Hello! I'm Nora.
Je suis spécialiste du théâtre anglais des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Mes champs d’investigation sont la race dans la culture et le théâtre de la première modernité anglaise, aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles, la dialectique de l’identité et de l’altérité, l’injure et l'invective ainsi que les adaptations et appropriations des pièces de W. Shakespeare. Je suis également intéressée par l'approche intersectionnelle qui croise race, genre, classe, sexualité et handicap. J’ai publié mes recherches dans Cahiers Elisabéthains, Arrêt sur Scènes/Scene Focus, Les Cahiers Shakespeare en Devenir, Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, Shakespeare Suvey et L’œil du Spectateur. Je prépare actuellement une monographie Racist Abuse in Early Modern English Drama: From Racist Weapon to Antiracist Shield (The Arden Shakespeare, Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2027).
I am a specialist of early modern English drama. My research interests include race in early modern English culture and drama, the dialectics of identity and alterity, words of abuse and invective as well as adaptations and appropriations of Shakespeare's plays. I am also interested in the intersectional approach which focuses on intersections of race, gender, class, sexuality and disability. I published my work in Cahiers Elisabéthains, Arrêt sur Scènes/Scene Focus, Les Cahiers Shakespeare en Devenir, Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, Shakespeare Survey and L’œil du Spectateur. I am currently working on a monograph Racist Abuse in Early Modern English Drama: From Racist Weapon to Antiracist Shield (The Arden Shakespeare, Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2027).

Doctorat/ PhD
Master MEEF en Etudes Anglophones/
MA in Education Sciences
Agrégation externe, option littérature/ Postgraduate diploma in higher education
CAPES d'anglais/
Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education
Master Recherche Littérature et Arts du Monde Anglophone/
MA Research in English Literature
Licence Anglais/
BA in English
French Prep School to ‘Grandes Ecoles’
Baccalauréat L/
Maîtresse de conférence stagiaire/
Assistant Professor
- Undergraduate Tutorials in Translation (LEA 2 + LCE 2)
- Undergraduate Seminar in Early Modern English Literature (L 3, Othello)
- Graduate Seminar in Anglophone Literature (Master MEEF/ MA in Educational Sciences)
- Graduate Seminar in Early Modern English Literature (Master Recherche EMA/ MA Research, Ben Jonson's The Masque of Blackness)
- Postgruadate Seminar in Early Modern English Drama / Cours d'Agrégation (Hamlet)
- Supervision of MA Thesis "An Ecocritical Exploration of the Island in The Tempest by Shakespeare and The Island Princess by John Fletcher"
Jury de concours/
External examiner
Colleuse d'anglais/
External examiner
- Khôlles en CPGE scientifique (PC, 2e année)
Teaching and Research Fellow
- Undergraduate Tutorials in Translation (LEA 1, 2, 3 + LCER 2, 3)
- Undergraduate Seminars in British Literature (L 2 + L 3, Othello)
- Graduate Seminar in Anglophone Literature (Master MEEF/ MA in Educational Sciences)
- Co-supervision with Prof. Emmanuelle Peraldo of MA Thesis "The Myth of Cupid in Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, Lyly's Galatea and Marlowe's Dido, Queen of Carthage"
- Postgraduate Seminar in Early Modern English Drama/ Cours d'Agrégation (Hamlet)
Contrat Doctoral/
Doctoral Fellowship
- Undergraduate Tutorials in Translation (LEA 1, 2, 3)
- Undergraduate Tutorials in Methodology (applications and interviews)
Fonctionnaire stagiaire/
English tutor
- Undergraduate Tutorials in Translation (LEA/LCER 1, 2, 3)
- Undergraduate Conversation Classes
Teaching Fellow
- Undergraduate Tutorials in Translation
- Undergraduate Tutorials in French Media
- Graduate Tutorials in Translation
Teaching Fellow
National University of Ireland, Galway
- Undergraduate Tutorials in Translation
- Undergraduate Conversation Classes
- Undergraduate Seminars in French Literature
- Graduate Seminars in French Literature
English tutor
- Undergraduate Tutorials in Translation (LEA/LCER 1, 2, 3)
- Undergraduate Conversation Classes
Racist Abuse in Early Modern English Drama: From Racist Weapon to Antiracist Shield, The Arden Shakespeare, Bloomsbury
"Race and the Christian Anatomy of Islam in Three Closet Dramas", Sophie Lemercier-Goddard and Aurélie Griffin (eds.), In and Out of the Closet : New Perspectives on Early Modern Closet Drama, Bloomsbury, forthcoming
Co-written with Louise Roszak, "Introduction: Breaking Binary Patterns in Twelfht Night", Twelfht Night: New Directions, Paris Nanterre University Press, forthcoming
"German Hermeneutics of Racecraft in Thomas Ostermeier’s 'Othello' (2010)", Shakespeare Survey, forthcoming
"'My gorge rises at it': La nausée d'Hamlet," Cycnos, https://www.editions-harmattan.fr/livre-hamlet_lectures_critiques_christian_gutleben_nora_galland-9782140330674-76142.html
Co-written with Prof. Christian Gutleben, "Jeu tragique et tragédie du je," Cycnos, https://www.editions-harmattan.fr/livre-hamlet_lectures_critiques_christian_gutleben_nora_galland-9782140330674-76142.html
"Le Blackface ou la saturation sémiotique du corps noir dans les mises en scène d'Othello de W. Shakespeare", Loxias, 80, http://revel.unice.fr/loxias/index.html?id=10162
"Introduction: le blackface ou la représentation de l'identité raciale au théâtre", Loxias, 80, http://revel.unice.fr/loxias/index.html?id=10147
co-written with Dr Charlène Cruxent “Dynamiques des héritages : une dialectique fructueuse entre le passé et le présent”, Conference Proceedings of Early Career Researchers Symposium of the 17th and 18th centuries Anglo-American Society, the French 18th century Society, and the 17th century Society on “Heritage Dynamics” (2018) in the online journal XVII-XVIII, https://carnet1718.hypotheses.org/1072
“Racial Insult and Non-Traditional Casting in Peter Sellars’s The Merchant of Venice (1994) and Othello (2009)", Conference Proceedings of Early Career Researchers Symposium of the 17th and 18th centuries Anglo-American Society, the French 18th century Society, and the 17th century Society on “Heritage Dynamics” (2018) in the online journal XVII-XVIII, https://carnet1718.hypotheses.org/1072
“Mapping Violence onto the Body of the ‘Other’ in Julie Taymor’s Titus (1999)” in Maddalena Pennacchia and Lisanna Calvi (eds.), Cahiers Élisabéthains, “Shakespeare and European Geographies”,108, 1, 53-63,
“Armado or the Other Speaking the Native’s Language: Racialising the Spaniard in Love’s Labour’s Lost” in Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin and Sujata Iyengar (eds.), Arrêt sur scène / Scene Focus, 10, 2021https://ircl.cnrs.fr/productions%20electroniques/arret_scene/10_2021/ASF10%20articles/ASF10_PDF_POUR_MISE_EN_LIGNE/04_ASF10_2021_Galland.pdf
“L’injure-fable dans Othello : race, sexualité et bestialité”, Conference Proceedings of the French Shakespeare Society : "Shakespeare and the Animal World”, 38, 2020, https://journals.openedition.org/shakespeare/5611
“The Making & Unmaking of National Identity: Race and Ethnicity in Shakespeare’s Henry V” in Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin et Sujata Iyengar (eds.), Focus on Henry V: Navigating Digital Text, Performance, and Historical Resources: University of Georgia Athens (UGA), http://scalar.usc.edu/works/henry-v/making--unmaking-national-identity-race--ethnicity-in-shakespeares-henry-v-page-two
“Name-calling the Egyptian Queen in Antony and Cleopatra: a case in point of the distortion of Africa through the racial slur ‘gypsy’” in Les Cahiers Shakespeare en devenir - Les Cahiers de La Licorne, 12,2017.
“Le surprenant Macbeth de Mnouchkine : entre démystification et remystification” in L'Œil du Spectateur, 6, 2014.
Co-editor with Louise Roszak of "Twelfth Night: New Directions", Intercalaires, Paris Nanterre University Press
Co-editor with Prof. Christian Gutleben of "Hamlet: Lectures Critiques", Cycnos (Journal of Anglophone Studies),
Editor of Special Issue "Le Blackface ou la représentation de l'identité raciale au théâtre", Loxias, http://revel.unice.fr/loxias/index.html?id=10143
Co-editor with Charlène Cruxent of the Conference Proceedings of Early Career Researchers Symposium of the 17th and 18th centuries Anglo-American Society the French 18th century Society and the 17th century Society on “Heritage Dynamics” University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3, online journal XVII-XVIII, https://carnet1718.hypotheses.org/1072
Co-editor with Charlène Cruxent of Polymorphe, the Doctoral School 58 Academic Blog of University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3 https://polymorphe.hypotheses.org/
Play Reviews
“Othello by Claire van Kampen at the Shakespeare’s Globe”, Cahiers Élisabéthains, 98, 1, 2019, p.102-4.
“Emilia by Lloyd Malcom at the Shakespeare’s Globe”, Cahiers Élisabéthains, 98, 1, 2019, p.104-6.
“The Tragedy of Thomas Merry by Emma Whipday” Cahiers Élisabéthains, 86, 1, 2014, pp. 84-7.
Book Reviews
“How to Direct Shakespeare. By Adrian Noble.”, Shakespeare Quarterly, Forthcoming.
“Shakespearean Rhetoric: A Practical Guide for Actors, Directors, Students and
Teachers. By Benet Brandreth.”, Shakespeare Quarterly, Forthcoming.
“Boika Sokolova and Janice Valls-Russell, Shakespeare’s Others in 21st-century European Performance”, Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 25, 40, 2022.
“Goran Stanivukovic, Queer Shakespeare: Desire and Sexuality”, dans Cahiers Élisabéthains, 98, 1, 2018, p.143-45.
“Shaul Bassi, Shakespeare’s Italy and Italy’s Shakespeare: Place, ‘Race’, Politics”, dans Cahiers Élisabéthains, 95, 1, p.133-35.
20-26 June 2026
Co-convenor with Dr Anita Rayshawdhuri of Seminar "The Rhetoric of Ecology and Racial Difference on Page & in Performance", 2026 World Shakespeare Congree, Verona
01-04 April 2026
Co-convenor with Prof. Katherine Gillen of Seminar "White Sophistry and Epistemicide", 2026 Shakespeare Association of America, Denver
26-28 June 2025
"Chiaroscuro Aesthetics in Early Modern Drama: Race, Gender and Class", Conference "Chromatic Encounters: Experiencing Colour from Early Modern Literature to Modernism", ERC "Chromotope" No. 818563, Sorbonne Nouvelle University
12-13 June 2025
Co-convenor with Prof. Iman Sheeha and Aisha Hussein of Panel "Representations of Islam in William Percy's 'Mahomet and His Heaven", Conference "Far from Home: Communication and Exchange in the Early Modern (c.1500 – 1850)", Aberystwyth University
9-10 June 2025
"Ecology, Race and ‘Going Native’ in Les Portugaiz Infortunez (1608) and The Sea Voyage (1622)", Conference "Bodies and Environments in the Early Modern World", Manchester University
21 March 2025
"Rountable on Academic Racism" co-convened by Miranda Alksnis and Yunning Zhang, 2025 Shakespeare Association of America & Renaissance Society of America Conference, Boston
21 March 2025
"Imperialist Abuse and Colonial Looting in The Island Princess (1621): Ecological, Physical and Rhetorical Violence" in Seminar "Theatricality and the Space of Violence" co-convened by Alexander Lash and Jessica Appolloni, 2025 Shakespeare Association of America & Renaissance Society of America Conference, Boston
5 March 2025
Co-organizer with Prof. Ambereen Dadabhoy and Prof. Katherine Gillen of the virtual roundtable "Silencing Scholars: Academic Repression and Palestine ", Shakespeare Association of America, online
31 January 2025
Co-organizer with Louise Rozsak of the "Twelfth Night Conference: Agrégation", University Paris Cité
5 July 2024
Co-organizer with Prof. Emmanuelle Peraldo of the "Ecology and Race Campus", University Côte d'Azur, Nice
3-4 July 2024
Co-organizer with Prof. Emmanuelle Peraldo of the Symposium EARTH 16-18 "Ecocriticism And Race Theory in the Humanities 16th-18th centuries", University Côte d'Azur, Nice, https://univ-cotedazur.fr/recherche-innovation/structures-de-recherche/academies-dexcellence/academie-dexcellence-homme-idees-et-milieux/projets-de-recherche/projets-2020-2024/earth-16-18
27-28 June 2024
with Prof. Emilie Souyri, “La transition écologique à travers la dystopie environnementale d’Octavia E. Butler (The Parable of the Sower, 1993 & The Parable of the Talents 1998)”, Colloque "Transition écologique, consommation durable et responsable", University Côte d'Azur, Nice
30 May-2 June 2024
"Gallathea/Galatea: Queer Love, or Transcending Cisgender Heteronormativity on Page & in Performance", French Shakespeare Society Workshop, SAES (Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur) Congress, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
10-13 April 2024
Co-convenor with Prof. Iman Sheeha of the seminar "Racialized Womanhood on Page, On Screen and in Performance", 52nd Annual Conference of the SAA (Shakespeare Association of America), Portland, https://shakespeareassociation.org/annual-meetings/2024-program/
10-13 April 2024
"Race, Indigeneity and the White Anthropocene in The Island Princess by John Fletcher", Seminar 12 "Geographies of Race" co-convened by Ambereen Dadabhoy and Debapriya Sarkar, Shakespeare Association of America Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA
04 April 2024
with Prof. Emmanuelle Peraldo, "EARTH 16-18: Ecocriticism and Race Theory in the Humanities, 16th-18th centuries", Symposium "Early Modern Environmental Studies", University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
14-16 March 2024
with Dr Charlotte Potter, "Though she be little, she is fierce : the Ethics of Language and Performance in A Midsummer Night's Dream", Annual Congress of the French Shakespeare Society "Shakespeare in Focus: The Art of Small Things", Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe, Paris
January-December 2024
Co-convenor with Prof. Emilie Souyri of the Annual Seminar "GRACE: Gender, RAce, Class and Environment", University Côte d'Azur
25-28 July 2023
Co-convenor with Dr Charlène Cruxent of research seminar "“To sleep, perchance to dream”: Dreamscape in Shakespearean Plays and Adaptations", British Shakespeare Association (BSA) 2023 Conference "Re-locating Shakespeare", The University of Liverpool, https://www.britishshakespeare.ws/bsa-2023-conference-re-locating-shakespeare-university-of-liverpool-25th-28th-july-2023/
6-9 July 2023
Co-convenor with Prof. Ambereen Daddabhoy and Prof. L. Monique Pittman of research seminar "15. The Ethics of Blackface in Performance, Adaptations and Tradaptations of Shakespeare’s plays", European Research Shakespeare Association (ESRA) 2023 Conference, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary, https://esra2023.btk.ppke.hu/seminars/
17-18 February 2023
with Dr Charlène Cruxent, "Hamlet et l’expérience théâtrale : représenter la mort sur scène", Journée d'études "Ultime exhalaison. Représenter, jouer, simuler la mort jusqu’au dernier souffle (XVIe-XXIe siècles)", RIRRA21 & IRCL, University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3
30 November-3 December 2022
"'This princess of pure white': Female Beauty and Whiteness in Early Modern English Drama", Renaissance Society Of America (RSA) 2022 Virtual Conference, online
25 November 2022
"Facing the Other Through the Slur in The Merchant of Venice", Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
18 November 2022
"'My gorge rises at it': La nausée d'Hamlet", "Hamlet" Conference, University Côte d'Azur, Nice
18 November 2022
Co-convenor with Prof. Christian Gutleben, "Hamlet" Conference, University Côte d'Azur, Nice
4-6 November 2022
"Islamophobic Insults in Early Modern English Drama", "Shakespeare and Race: Spoken Word(s)" Symposium, The Globe Theater & King's College, London
16 June 2022
"Le Blackface ou la saturation sémiotique du corps noir dans les mises en scène d'Othello de W. Shakespeare", Research Seminar C.T.E.L. "Le Blackface ou la représentation de l'identité raciale au théâtre", University Côte d'Azur, Nice
16 June 2022
Convenor of the C.T.E.L Research Seminar "Le Blackface ou la représentation de l'identité raciale au théâtre", University Côte d'Azur, Nice
26-28 September 2019
Co-connvenor with Prof. Sarah Hatchuel, Prof. Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin and Dr Charlène Cruxent of the International Congress "Shakespeare on Screen in the Digital Era", University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3
17-20 July 2019
“Racial insults triggering a generic trouble in Shakespeare’s comedies: ethics, mockery, and laughter”, British Shakespeare Association Conference: "Shakespeare, Race and Nation", Swansea University
9-12 July 2019
“Mapping violence onto the body of the racial Other in Julie Taymor’s Titus Andronicus: the cultural mobility of the scapegoat”, European Shakespeare Research Association Conference: "Shakespeare and European Geographies: Centralities and Elsewheres", University of Rome (Roma Tre)
9-12 July 2019
Co-convenor with Prof. Sujata Iyengar and Prof. Shaul Bassi of research seminar "Cultural Mobility around Shakespeare's Rome: Mapping Race and Ethnicity through Performance", European Shakespeare Research Association Conference: "Shakespeare and European Geographies: Centralities and Elsewheres", University of Rome (Roma Tre)
10-12 July 2019
“L’injure-fable dans Othello : race, sexualité et bestialité”, "Shakespeare et Le Monde Animal": Congrès annuel de la Société Française Shakespeare, Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe, International Centre of Paris
1-3 November 2018
“Armado or the Other Speaking the Native’s Language: Racialization of the Spaniard in Love’s Labour’s Lost”, Scenes in the Other’s Language/Scènes dans la langue de l’autre, University of Georgia, Athens (UGA)
18-19 October 2018
“A diachronic delineation of race in Peter Sellars’ The Merchant of Venice (1994) and Othello (2009): casting politics & spectators’ expectations”, Dynamique des Héritages : Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs de la Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, par la Société Française d’Étude du XVIIIe siècle, par la Société d’étude du XVIIe siècle, University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3
18-19 October 2018
Co-convenor, "Heritage Dynamics : Early Career Researchers's Conference, Société" d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, par la Société Française d’Étude du XVIIIe siècle, par la Société d’étude du XVIIe siècle, University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3
28 June 2018
“The impact of racial insults in early modern English drama”, Shakespeare in the Classroom, East Jackson Comprehensive High School, 30 September 2018, Athens, Georgia (USA)
17-18 September 2018
“Race from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period in England: Fallacy, Identity and Alterity », Beyond Truth: Fiction and (Dis)information in the Early Modern World, New College, University of Oxford
21 July 2018
“Race, A Provocation?”, Radical Mischief: Theatre, Thought and Politics, 21 July 2018, Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham
22 June 2018
“Shakespeare and the Refugee Crisis: oversimplifying a complex issue through discourse”, Facing Europe in Crisis: Shakespeare's World and Present Challenges Shakespeare Graduate Conference (I) of the New Faces Erasmus + Programme, University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3
28 June 2018
“The Construction of the Black Body in Titus Andronicus: Aaron, his baby and the black fly”, Facing Europe in Crisis: Shakespeare's World and Present Challenges: Shakespeare Graduate Conference (II) of the New Faces Erasmus + Programme, University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3
8 June 2018
“The Challenges of Early Modern Race Studies”, Journée de Recherche Doctorale de l’IRCL, University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3
8 June 2018
Convenor of Early Career Research Day "Journée de Recherche Doctorale de l’IRCL", University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3
26 April 2018
“The African Tales by Shakespeare, directed by Krzysztof Warlikowski”, International Shakespeare Festival Craiova, National Theatre, Craiova (Romania)
16 April 2018
“‘What ish my nation?’: Race and Nation in Shakespeare’s Henry V”, Shakespeare’s History Plays and the Historiography of Race—Graduate Seminar of Professor Sujata Iyengar, University of Georgia, Athens
21-22 March 2018
“Overview of the Racial Discourses Leading up to the Early Modern Period”, Race and Class from the 17th to the 19th centuries in Britain and America, University Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis
25 October 2017
“Galimafrée et exploration du corpus”, Journée Exploratoire : Scènes dans la langue de l’autre/Scene in the other’s language – Research Project between University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3, University Toulouse-Jean Jaurès and University of Georgia, Athens (USA),University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3
27-30 July 2017
“The Racist Insult in Peter Sellars’ Adaptations of The Merchant of Venice (1994) and Othello (2009): from the ‘Insulted’ to the ‘Insultor”, European Shakespeare Research Association Conference: Shakespeare and European Theatrical Cultures: AnAtomizing Text and Stage, University of Gdansk (Poland)
27-30 July 2017
ESRA Research Seminar: “Redefining Blackness and Whiteness in Thomas Ostermeier’s adaptation of Othello (2010)”, European Shakespeare Research Association Conference: Shakespeare and European Theatrical Cultures: AnAtomizing Text and Stage, 27-30 July 2017, University of Gdansk (Poland)
2 June 2017
“The Uses of Language in Perceiving and Presenting Identity in Early Modern England”, Facing Europe in Crisis: Shakespeare's World and Present Challenges Shakespeare Graduate Conference (I) of the New Faces Erasmus + Programme (II), University of Szeged (Hungary)
31 May 2017
“The Representations of Epistemological Crises in Early Modern and Postmodern Drama”, Facing Europe in Crisis: Shakespeare's World and Present Challenges Shakespeare Graduate Conference (II) of the New Faces Erasmus + Programme (I), University of Szeged (Hungary)
7 June 2014
“Shakespeare’s Racist Insults: The Tragic Dialectics of the Insultor and the Insulted”, British Shakespeare Graduate Conference, Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham
6 March 2014
“Shakespeare’s Racist Insults: Can we speak of Racism without Anachronism?”, Sidney Sussex Graduate Conference, 6 March 2014, University of Cambridge